12th Annual Meagan McCain Memorial Barrel Race

August 12, 13 and 14, 2022

Morgan County Celebration Arena Decatur, Alabama

All Proceeds of the Meagan McCain Memorial will be used to fund scholarship programs in honor of Meagan’s life.

Student Volunteers

Congratulations Average Champs

1D Average Champion

Noah Mill and DC DoubleShotofVodka

1D Average Reserve Champion

Jennifer Dunn and Pocos Revenge

2D Average Champion

Kally Runions and Freckles Sunset Girl

2D Average Reserve Champion

Corey Breedlove and Dealem Easy Fame

3D Average Champion

Jeri Hasty and MP PrinceWithFlowers

3D Average Reserve Champion

Kayley Darden and Sixum Smooth Cat

4D Average Champion

Kallie Mullen and Dreamer

4D Reserve Champion

Katie Ann Abbott and HS Starlights Whiz